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Inherits: BatchAuctionModule, IEncryptedMarginalPrice

Encrypted Marginal Price

This batch auction module allows for bids to be encrypted off-chain, then stored, decrypted and settled on-chain. Note that the maximum bid amount is bounded by uint96.

State Variables


Auction-specific data for a lot

Access via getAuctionData()

mapping(uint96 lotId => AuctionData) public auctionData;


Partial fill data for a lot

Each EMPA can have at most one partial fill Access via getPartialFill()

mapping(uint96 lotId => PartialFill) internal _lotPartialFill;


Partial settlement data stored between settlement batches

Only used internally, does not need a public accessor

mapping(uint96 lotId => PartialSettlement) internal _lotPartialSettlement;


General information about bids on a lot

Access via getBid()

mapping(uint96 lotId => mapping(uint64 bidId => Bid)) public bids;


Data for encryption information for a specific bid

Access via getBid()

mapping(uint96 lotId => mapping(uint64 bidId => EncryptedBid)) public encryptedBids;


Queue of decrypted bids for a lot (populated on decryption)

Access elements via getNextInQueue()

mapping(uint96 lotId => Queue) public decryptedBids;



constructor(address auctionHouse_) AuctionModule(auctionHouse_);


7 byte, versioned identifier for the module. 2 characters from 0-9 that signify the version and 3-5 characters from A-Z.

function VEECODE() public pure override returns (Veecode);


Implementation-specific auction creation logic

This function assumes:

  • The lot ID has been validated
  • The start and duration of the lot have been validated

This function performs the following:

  • Validates the auction parameters
  • Stores the auction data
  • Initializes the decrypted bids queue

This function reverts if:

  • The parameters cannot be decoded into the correct format
  • The minimum price is zero
  • The minimum fill percent is greater than 100%
  • The minimum bid size is zero or greater than the max uint96 value
  • The public key is not valid
function _auction(uint96 lotId_, Lot memory lot_, bytes memory params_) internal override;


lotId_uint96The lot ID
lot_LotThe lot data
params_bytesABI-encoded data of type IEncryptedMarginalPrice.AuctionDataParams


Implementation-specific auction cancellation logic

This function assumes the following:

  • The lot ID has been validated
  • The caller has been authorized
  • The auction has not concluded

This function performs the following:

  • Sets the auction status to settled, and prevents claiming of proceeds

This function reverts if:

  • The auction is active or has not concluded
function _cancelAuction(uint96 lotId_) internal override;


lotId_uint96The lot ID


Implementation-specific bid logic

This function performs the following:

  • Validates inputs
  • Stores the encrypted bid
  • Adds the bid ID to the list of bids to decrypt
  • Returns the bid ID

This function assumes:

  • The lot ID has been validated
  • The caller has been authorized
  • The auction is active

This function reverts if:

  • The parameters cannot be decoded into the correct format
  • The amount is greater than the max uint96 value
  • The amount is less than the minimum bid size for the lot
  • The bid public key is not valid
function _bid(
uint96 lotId_,
address bidder_,
address referrer_,
uint256 amount_,
bytes calldata auctionData_
) internal override returns (uint64 bidId);


lotId_uint96The lot ID
bidder_addressThe bidder of the purchased tokens
referrer_addressThe referrer of the bid
amount_uint256The amount of quote tokens to bid
auctionData_bytesABI-encoded data of type IEncryptedMarginalPrice.BidParams


bidIduint64The bid ID


Refund a bid

Implements a basic refundBid function that:

  • Validates the lot and bid parameters
  • Calls the implementation-specific function

This function reverts if:

  • The lot id is invalid
  • The lot has not started
  • The lot is decrypted or settled (but not concluded)
  • The lot is within the dedicated settle period
  • The bid id is invalid
  • caller_ is not the bid owner
  • The bid is claimed or refunded
  • The caller is not an internal module

This is a modified version of the refundBid function in the AuctionModule contract. It does not revert if the lot is concluded.

function refundBid(
uint96 lotId_,
uint64 bidId_,
uint256 index_,
address caller_
) external override onlyInternal returns (uint256 refund);


lotId_uint96The lot id
bidId_uint64The bid id
index_uint256The index of the bid ID in the auction's bid list
caller_addressThe caller


refunduint256The amount of quote tokens to refund


Implementation-specific bid refund logic

This function performs the following:

  • Validates inputs
  • Marks the bid as refunded
  • Removes the bid from the list of bids to decrypt
  • Returns the amount to be refunded

The encrypted bid is not deleted from storage, so that the details can be fetched later.

This function assumes:

  • The lot ID has been validated
  • The bid ID has been validated
  • The caller has been authorized
  • The auction is active
  • The bid has not been refunded
function _refundBid(
uint96 lotId_,
uint64 bidId_,
uint256 index_,
) internal override returns (uint256 refund);


lotId_uint96The lot ID
bidId_uint64The bid ID
index_uint256The index of the bid ID in the auction's bid list


refunduint256The amount of quote tokens to refund


Claims a bid and calculates the paid and payout amounts

This function performs the following:

  • Validates inputs
  • Marks the bid as claimed
  • Calculates the paid and payout amounts

This function assumes:

  • The lot ID has been validated
  • The bid ID has been validated
  • The caller has been authorized
  • The auction is not settled
  • The bid has not already been claimed
function _claimBid(
uint96 lotId_,
uint64 bidId_
) internal returns (BidClaim memory bidClaim, bytes memory auctionOutput_);


Implementation-specific bid claim logic

This function performs the following:

  • Validates inputs
  • Marks the bid as claimed
  • Calculates the paid and payout amounts

This function assumes:

  • The lot ID has been validated
  • The caller has been authorized
  • The auction has concluded
  • The auction is not settled

This function reverts if:

  • The bid ID is invalid
  • The bid has already been claimed
function _claimBids(
uint96 lotId_,
uint64[] calldata bidIds_
) internal override returns (BidClaim[] memory bidClaims, bytes memory auctionOutput_);


lotId_uint96The lot ID
bidIds_uint64[]The bid IDs


bidClaimsBidClaim[]The bid claim data
auctionOutput_bytesauctionOutput The auction-specific output


Submits the private key for the auction lot and decrypts an initial number of bids It does not require gating. If the seller wishes to limit who can call, they can simply not reveal the key to anyone else. On the other hand, if a key management service is used, then anyone can call it once the key is revealed.

This function reverts if:

  • The lot ID is invalid
  • The lot is not active
  • The lot has not concluded
  • The private key has already been submitted
  • The lot has been settled (cancelled, settled or aborted)
  • The private key is invalid for the public key
function submitPrivateKey(
uint96 lotId_,
uint256 privateKey_,
uint64 num_,
bytes32[] calldata sortHints_
) external override;


lotId_uint96The lot ID of the auction to submit the private key for
privateKey_uint256The ECIES private key to decrypt the bids
num_uint64The number of bids to decrypt after submitting the private key (passed to _decryptAndSortBids())
sortHints_bytes32[]The sort hints for the bid decryption (passed to _decryptAndSortBids())


Decrypts a batch of bids and sorts them by price in descending order

This function handles the following:

  • Performs state validation
  • Iterates over the encrypted bids:
    • Decrypts the bid
    • Ignores if the bid is incorrectly encrypted
    • Does not add to the sorted bid queue if the decrypted amount out is less than the minimum bid size or overflows
    • Otherwise, adds to the sorted bid queue for use during settlement
  • Determines the next decrypt index
  • Sets the auction status to decrypted if all bids have been decrypted

This function reverts if:

  • The lot ID is invalid
  • The lot has not started
  • The lot is active
  • The private key has not been provided
  • num_ and sortHints_ have different lengths
function decryptAndSortBids(
uint96 lotId_,
uint64 num_,
bytes32[] calldata sortHints_
) external override;


lotId_uint96The lot ID
num_uint64The number of bids to decrypt and sort
sortHints_bytes32[]The sort hints for the bids


function _decryptAndSortBids(uint96 lotId_, uint64 num_, bytes32[] calldata sortHints_) internal;


Returns the decrypted amountOut of a single bid without altering contract state

This function does not alter the state of the contract, but provides a way to peek at the decrypted bid

This function reverts if:

  • The lot ID is invalid
  • The private key has not been provided
function decryptBid(
uint96 lotId_,
uint64 bidId_
) public view override returns (uint256 amountOut);


lotId_uint96The lot ID of the auction to decrypt the bid for
bidId_uint64The bid ID to decrypt


amountOutuint256The decrypted amount out


Decrypts a bid and stores it in the sorted bid queue

function _decrypt(uint96 lotId_, uint64 bidId_, bytes32 sortHint_, uint256 baseScale_) internal;


Returns the bid after key_ in the queue

function getNextInQueue(uint96 lotId_, bytes32 key_) external view override returns (bytes32);


lotId_uint96The lot ID
key_bytes32The key to search for


<none>bytes32nextKey The key of the next bid in the queue


Returns the number of decrypted bids remaining in the queue

function getNumBidsInQueue(uint96 lotId_) external view override returns (uint256);


lotId_uint96The lot ID


<none>uint256numBids The number of decrypted bids remaining in the queue


Helper function to get the next bid from the queue and calculate the price

This is split into a different function to avoid stack too deep errors

function _getNextBid(
Queue storage queue_,
uint256 baseScale_
) internal returns (uint64 bidId, uint256 amountIn, uint256 price);


queue_QueueThe queue to get the next bid from
baseScale_uint256The scaling factor for the base token


bidIduint64The ID of the bid
amountInuint256The amount in of the bid (in quote token units)
priceuint256The price of the bid (in quote token units), or 0 if it could not be determined


Calculates the marginal price of a lot

function _getLotMarginalPrice(
uint96 lotId_,
uint256 num_
) internal returns (MarginalPriceResult memory result);


lotId_uint96The lot ID of the auction to calculate the marginal price for


resultMarginalPriceResultThe result of the marginal price calculation


Implementation-specific lot settlement logic

This function performs the following:

  • Validates inputs
  • Iterates over the decrypted bids to calculate the marginal price and number of winning bids
  • If applicable, calculates the payout and refund for a partially filled bid
  • Sets the auction status to settled

This function assumes:

  • The lot ID has been validated
  • The auction has concluded
  • The auction is not settled

This function reverts if:

  • The auction has not been decrypted

The function has been written to avoid any reverts that would cause the settlement process to brick.

function _settle(
uint96 lotId_,
uint256 num_
returns (uint256 totalIn_, uint256 totalOut_, bool, bytes memory auctionOutput_);


lotId_uint96The lot ID
num_uint256The number of bids to settle in this pass (capped at the remaining number if more is provided)


totalIn_uint256totalIn The total amount of quote tokens that filled the auction
totalOut_uint256totalOut The total amount of base tokens sold
<none>boolfinished Whether the settlement is finished
auctionOutput_bytesauctionOutput The auction-type specific output to be used with a condenser


Implementation-specific lot settlement logic

This function performs the following:

  • Validates state
  • Sets the lot status to Settled
  • Sets the marginal price to the maximum value

This function assumes:

  • The lot ID has been validated
  • The auction is not settled
  • The dedicated settle period has not passed

This function reverts if:

  • None
function _abort(uint96 lotId_) internal override;


lotId_uint96The lot ID


Returns the Bid and EncryptedBid data for a given lot and bid ID

This function reverts if:

  • The lot ID is invalid
  • The bid ID is invalid
function getBid(
uint96 lotId_,
uint64 bidId_
) external view returns (Bid memory bid, EncryptedBid memory encryptedBid);


lotId_uint96The lot ID
bidId_uint64The bid ID


bidBidThe Bid data
encryptedBidEncryptedBidThe EncryptedBid data


Returns the AuctionData data for an auction lot

This function reverts if:

  • The lot ID is invalid
function getAuctionData(
uint96 lotId_
) external view override returns (AuctionData memory auctionData_);


lotId_uint96The lot ID


auctionData_AuctionDataThe AuctionData


Returns the PartialFill data for an auction lot

For ease of use, this function determines if a partial fill exists. This function reverts if:

  • The lot ID is invalid
  • The lot is not settled
function getPartialFill(
uint96 lotId_
) external view returns (bool hasPartialFill, PartialFill memory partialFill);


lotId_uint96The lot ID


hasPartialFillboolTrue if a partial fill exists
partialFillPartialFillThe PartialFill data


Get the number of bids for a lot

This function reverts if:

  • The lot ID is invalid
function getNumBids(uint96 lotId_) external view override returns (uint256);


lotId_uint96The lot ID


<none>uint256numBids The number of bids


Get the bid IDs from the given index

This function reverts if:

  • The lot ID is invalid
function getBidIds(
uint96 lotId_,
uint256 startIndex_,
uint256 num_
) external view override returns (uint64[] memory);


lotId_uint96The lot ID


<none>uint64[]bidIds The bid IDs


Returns the BidClaim data for a given lot and bid ID

This function assumes:

  • The lot ID has been validated
  • The bid ID has been validated
function _getBidClaim(
uint96 lotId_,
uint64 bidId_
) internal view returns (BidClaim memory bidClaim);


lotId_uint96The lot ID
bidId_uint64The bid ID


bidClaimBidClaimThe BidClaim data


Get the bid ID at the given index

function getBidIdAtIndex(uint96 lotId_, uint256 index_) external view override returns (uint64);


lotId_uint96The lot ID
index_uint256The index


<none>uint64bidId The bid ID


Get the claim data for a bid

This function reverts if:

  • The lot ID is invalid
  • The lot is not settled (since there would be no claim)
  • The bid ID is invalid
function getBidClaim(
uint96 lotId_,
uint64 bidId_
) external view override returns (BidClaim memory bidClaim);


lotId_uint96The lot ID
bidId_uint64The bid ID


bidClaimBidClaimThe bid claim data


Checks that the lot represented by lotId_ is active

Should revert if the lot is active Inheriting contracts can override this to implement custom logic

function _revertIfLotActive(uint96 lotId_) internal view override;


lotId_uint96The lot ID


Reverts if the private key has been submitted for the lot

function _revertIfKeySubmitted(uint96 lotId_) internal view;


Checks that the lot represented by lotId_ is not settled

Should revert if the lot is settled Inheriting contracts must override this to implement custom logic

function _revertIfLotSettled(uint96 lotId_) internal view override;


lotId_uint96The lot ID


Checks that the lot represented by lotId_ is settled

Should revert if the lot is not settled Inheriting contracts must override this to implement custom logic

function _revertIfLotNotSettled(uint96 lotId_) internal view override;


lotId_uint96The lot ID


Checks that the lot and bid combination is valid

Should revert if the bid is invalid Inheriting contracts must override this to implement custom logic

function _revertIfBidInvalid(uint96 lotId_, uint64 bidId_) internal view override;


lotId_uint96The lot ID
bidId_uint64The bid ID


Checks that caller_ is the bid owner

Should revert if caller_ is not the bid owner Inheriting contracts must override this to implement custom logic

function _revertIfNotBidOwner(
uint96 lotId_,
uint64 bidId_,
address caller_
) internal view override;


lotId_uint96The lot ID
bidId_uint64The bid ID
caller_addressThe caller


Checks that the bid is not claimed

Should revert if the bid is claimed Inheriting contracts must override this to implement custom logic

function _revertIfBidClaimed(uint96 lotId_, uint64 bidId_) internal view override;


lotId_uint96The lot ID
bidId_uint64The bid ID



Stuct containing the marginal price result

Memory only, no need to pack

struct MarginalPriceResult {
uint256 marginalPrice;
uint64 marginalBidId;
uint64 lastBidId;
uint256 lastBidPrice;
uint256 totalAmountIn;
uint256 capacityExpended;
bool finished;


marginalPriceuint256The marginal price of the auction. Set only if the marginal price has been determined.
marginalBidIduint64The ID of the marginal bid (marking that bids following it are not filled). Set only if the marginal price has been determined and there is a need for this to be set.
lastBidIduint64The ID of the last bid processed during the marginal price calculation. This should always be set, regardless of the settlement outcome.
lastBidPriceuint256The price of the last bid that was processed. This should always be set, regardless of the settlement outcome.
totalAmountInuint256The total amount in from bids processed so far. This should always be set, regardless of the settlement outcome.
capacityExpendeduint256The total capacity expended from bids processed so far. This should always be set, regardless of the settlement outcome.
finishedboolWhether settlement has been completed.


Struct to store the data for in-progress settlement

struct PartialSettlement {
uint256 processedAmountIn;
uint256 lastPrice;
uint64 lastBidId;


processedAmountInuint256The total amount in from bids processed so far (during settlement)
lastPriceuint256The last price processed during settlement
lastBidIduint64The ID of the last bid processed during settlement